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Thursday, November 14, 2013

City’s Planning Head Seeks to Overturn City Zoning Administrator’s Order

City of Falls Church
“It seemed likely to be a contentious meeting of Falls Church City’s Zoning Board of Appeals. On the agenda for tonight’s meeting was the rare situation of one City official asking the board to overturn another City official’s order. Jim Snyder, the City’s planning director, had filed a motion seeking to overturn an order by City Zoning Administrator John Boyle. Mr. Boyle’s ruling would have allowed the new owners of an historic house at 311 Grove Avenue to demolish the home.

But the meeting was abruptly canceled Thursday afternoon, just hours after the Falls Church Times wrote about the issue. City Attorney John Foster informed Mr. Snyder that, in his opinion, Mr. Snyder lacked standing to file the appeal. At this juncture, it is unclear why, making an already bizarre situation even more so.”
~Writes Stephen Siegel of the Falls Church Times

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