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Friday, January 10, 2014

Ivor man suing Isle of Wight over property rights

Isle of Wight
“An Ivor man concerned about his property rights is bringing suit against Isle of Wight County, and he’s not alone. Joseph Ferguson Jr. has enlisted legal help to defend his right to allow friends to camp on his property.

In response to emailed questions, Ferguson replied, ‘I am not personally speaking to the media at this time,’ and he directed all inquiries to Nisha Whitehead of The Rutherford Institute, a non-profit organization concerned with Americans’ personal freedoms. That organization, in turn, has enlisted the help of Fred Taylor, an attorney with Stallings, Bush and Randall.

Taylor informed The Tidewater News on Thursday that he’s filed the suit ‘regarding a county zoning ordinance that I believe to be misinterpreted. In a nutshell, my client (Joseph Ferguson) allowed a friend of his to stay overnight in a camper (so that he could hunt) on his property/farm. Unfortunately, Isle of Wight County officials deemed this use of the camper would constitute an unauthorized ‘campground’ in violation of local zoning ordinances – a violation that carries the potential of criminal prosecution, to include 30 days in jail and/or up to a $1,000 fine.’”
~Writes Stephen Cowles of the Tidewater News

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