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Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Newport News City Council will let courts determine fate of Pur Lux nightclub

City of Newport News:
“The Newport News City Council on Tuesday deferred a vote that would've effectively closed Jefferson Avenue nightclub Pur Lux Lounge. They did so after the club's landlord, Jefferson Restaurant Co., announced at the council meeting that it has already moved to evict Pur Lux.

Council members were poised to revoke a special zoning permit issued in September for the property, that allowed club owner Crystal Sawyer to operate a nightclub provided she met a series of conditions. City officials have said she failed to meet all those conditions but went ahead and opened for business in November anyway.

Matthew W. Smith, an attorney representing Jefferson Restaurant Co.'s managing partner Steven P. Frank, told the council ‘we are in the process of evicting the tenant from the premises.’ Sawyer, a Yorktown Naval Weapons Station employee, objected, saying ‘the eviction process is not under legitimate circumstances.’

She read from a series of emails that she said show city officials pressured Frank to have her evicted. ‘He did this to satisfy the city,’ Sawyer said. City officials and Sawyer have clashed since she started operations. After a series of inspections at the club, the city said Sawyer ran afoul of the conditions of her permit, as well as the city's fire and building codes.”
~ Writes Michael Welles Shapiro of The Daily Press

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